Teaching certification and other graduate work in English and education
- Part time at Boston University, Brandeis University, State University of New York at Binghamton, Ithaca College, and Russell Sage College, 1972-1975.
Other undergraduate work
- Harvard University, summer, 1969
- Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, 1966-1967
Books and Edited Works
- Violence and Nonviolence: An Introduction. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield), 2013.
- Nonviolence in Theory and Practice, 2nd and 3rd editions, Robert L. Holmes and Barry L. Gan, editors, Waveland Press: Chicago, 2004 and 2012.
- Peace and Change,
a quarterly journal of peace research, published by Blackwell. Co-editor from January, 2006 until June, 2009.
- The Acorn: Journal of the Gandhi-King Society, editor, 1990-2016. In hard copy by subscription and also online at http://acornjournal.net/.
Now in the online resources of the Philosophy Documentation Center.
- Proceedings of the Peace Bridge Conference, a statewide conference on mediation and arbitration. September, 1989.
- Named as Candidate to the Fulbright Specialist Roster, January 2011- January 2016.
- Peacewriting Award, for best unpublished nonfiction manuscript, Out of the Ashes of Violence, awarded by Peace and Justice Studies Association and the Omni Center
for Peace, Justice, and Ecology, May 2007.
- Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce Good News Environmental Award, Summer, 2002. "Anti-Warism: A New Pacifist Perspective."
- Awarded the Frank Chapman Sharp Essay Prize by the American Philosophical
Association. November, 1991.
Recent Articles
- “Nonviolence,” in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, edited by Fathali M. Moghaddam (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications), 2017.
- “The Gandhi-King Tradition and Satyagraha,” forthcoming in The Routledge Handbook
of Pacifism and Nonviolence, edited by Andrew Fiala (New York: Routledge), 2018.
- “The Practice of Ahimsa,” in Nonviolence as a Way of Life: History, Theory, and Practice, edited by Predrag Cicovacki and Kandy Hess, (Delhi: Motilal
Banarsidass Publishers) 2017.
- “Seeds of Duty: Holding to Nonviolence in Being and Truth,” Keynote Address at the United Nations Celebration of the U.N. International Day of Nonviolence, October, 2016, in The Acorn Volume 16, Issue
1/2, Fall/Winter 2016/20 pp. 37-40 DOI: 10.5840/acorn2016/2017161/26
- “A Philosophy of Peace,” in Peace Movements Worldwide: History, Psychology, Practices, edited by Michael Nagler and Marc Pilisuk, Praeger Publishers. 2010.
- “Nonviolence
and Peace Education” in Columbia University’s Online Encyclopedia of Peace Education.
Columns and Broadcasts (partial list)
- “Gandhi’s Legacy.” One-hour television interview and broadcast on WXXI Public Broadcasting System in Rochester, NY. December, 2008.
- “Terrorism,” a critique of the U.S. response, featured op-ed on America Online’s
Opinions page, Oct. 12-13, 2001.
Invited Presentations (partial list)
- “Gandhi, King, and How Their Lives Can Instruct Prospective Graduates." Presented to seniors and graduate students at Xibei University, Xi’an, China. May, 2017.
- “Gandhi’s Influence on the West.” Presented to the Center
for Gandhian and Indian Studies at Fudan University Shanghai, China, May, 2017.
- “Gandhi's Relevance Today." Invited address at the United Nations in commemoration of the International Day of Nonviolence, organized by the Permanent Indian Mission
to the United Nations, October 2, 2016.
- "The Limits of Civil Resistance." Invited presentation at Alfred University's Bergren Forum, Alfred, NY, November 5, 2015.
- “Out of the Ashes of Violence: Violent Myths, Nonviolent Realities.”
Invited address at Shanghai University, December, 2012.
- Xibei University, Xi’an, China. Dec. 4 – Dec. 12, 2012. Presented four papers: “The History of Nonviolence in America,” “American Culture,” “English
Composition,” and “Cross-Cultural Communication.”
- Beijing University. Informal presentation on nonviolent political strategy. June, 2010.
- “Strategizing to Build Power by Mobilizing People and Building Coalitions,”
presented on behalf of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict as a course module to an adult class at the U.S. Institute of Peace, September 29, 2009.
- Visiting Professor on nonviolence. Lectured and conducted a seminar of nonviolence
each morning during one week with seniors completing the final module of their undergraduate course work at Colorado College, May, 2006.
- “Violent Myths and Myths about Nonviolence,” presentation invited by the Peace and Justice
Society of Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY, in the Hall of Philosophy, August, 1999
- “Conflict Resolution,” invited presentation as a representative of the U.S. Fellowship of Reconciliation, to a group of approximately 70
teachers and administrators from Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Moldavia, in Galitsena, outside of Moscow, Russia, October, 1994.
Invited Panelist
- To international representative conference of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, November, 1998. As part of the week-long meeting, met with Sheikh Hasina Wajed, Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
Papers Presented (peer-reviewed)
- “What’s Wrong with the U.S. Peace Movement?” Presented at the annual meeting of the Peace and Justice Studies Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October, 2010.
- “Means and Ends, Nonviolence and Political Philosophy”
Presented to the bi-annual meeting of the International Peace Research Association at the University of Leuven, Belgium, during the summer of 2008.
- “Conscientious Objection in Israel”, co-presented with Laura Duhan Kaplan on at
the Concerned Philosophers for Peace session of the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting in Washington D.C., December, 2003.
- "Libya and the Public's Right to Know." Presented to Concerned Philosophers for Peace
at their annual meeting at the University of Notre Dame. October, 1990.